We Root for Nurses.
It Takes A Village.
The journey to becoming a nurse is never walked alone, it takes a community of supporters like YOU.
Congratulations to our 2021 Nurse Graduates!
Shacarra Briscoe, RN
Trinity Valley Community College
TTNF Board Member
Madison Heskett, BSN, RN
Midwestern State University
2021 TTNF Nursing Scholarship Recipient
Updates From Our 2021 Scholarship Recipients
How has the TTNF Scholarship helped you in nursing school?
This scholarship definitely help me financially, helping make payments for whatever wasn’t covered in financial aid and for my books.
-Iteoluwakisi, First semester nursing student
If you could highlight one thing about this past semester, what would it be?
Going from in-person learning back to virtual has added to my anxiety as a student. It's unfortunate, but I am pushing through. I've come to far to quit now. Because "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!"
-Aisha, Third semester nursing student
Highlight one challenge you faced this past semester and what you learned about yourself while overcoming that challenge?
A challenge I faced this semester was when I started to lose confidence in myself and my ability to do things. During this time I’ve learned that I’m stronger than I thought and I could get through anything that’s thrown at me.
-Tajia, Third semester nursing student
What advice would you give to a fellow nursing student who is about to embark on the same journey as you?
STICK WITH IT! There are times where you will question whether nursing is for you, and times when the content is not clicking and you will think you aren’t cut out for this. Do not give up!! You will find your niche in nursing and excel where you are meant to.
-Maddison, Fifth semester nursing student
After completion of your degree, how do you plan to give back to nursing students that wish to follow in your footsteps?
Financial assistance and guidance are two things that have been helpful on my journey to pursue a career in nursing. I am fortunate to have a nurse in the family to help guide me and mentally help prepare me for what nursing school and life as a nurse entail. Therefore, as a future nurse, I plan to give back to nursing students financially and also provide mentorship.
-Shanie, First semester nursing student
Favorite Quote of the Semester
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
— Maya Angelou